Purpose of This Site

The intended purpose of this site is for it to be used as a tool to help make the comparisons of very large numbers SIMPLE, CLEAR & EASY.

This site uses the size or "volume" of 1 grain of rice to then fill up [with that rice] a variety of containers with sizes (or volumes) that we all are familiar with; like: 1 Teaspoon, 1 Tablespoon, 1 Cup, A Gallon of Milk, a 5 Gallon Office water jug , etc.; to make visual comparisons that are absolutely CLEAR and EASY.

It now allows you to look at those very large numbers... Like those in the news...

Like the 1.9 Trillion which was proposed in a political bill or other amounts which are also current Law & this site allows you to take those PUBLISHED ACTUAL HARD NUMBERS AND It helps to insure that we have an accurately informed citizenry...

When the citizenry can fully see and compare these numbers Simply clearly easily and correctly they are able to SEE when any politician or others try to confuse us with financial lies or exaggerations.

Like focusing our attention on a couple of "Tablespoons of dollars" going to people that we don't like BUT IF WE COULD... SIMPLY, CLEARLY, EASILY & CORRECTLY... BE ABLE TO LOOK AT THE ENTIRE BILL OR LAW

We could ACTUALLY SEE that the total amount of money if it were "grains of rice" it would fill:

A 42 Gallon Barrel,
two 12 Gallon Tubs;
A 5 Gallon office water bottle;
3 Milk Gallons;
a pint bottle; 1 cup & 8 Tablespoons!



You SEE that the people & the causes that YOU like... are actually getting money too... and you REALIZE... Heyyyy

MY PEOPLE are getting MUCH more rice/money than just those few tablespoons that MY politician &/or MY news Channel keeps on showing me over and over again...

Yes this site might make you wonder if they're doing that... just to make you mad at that bill...

Even though that bill helps you a lot too & maybe even helps you more... than to other folks...

This could be true matter which political group you're in... This site gives us all an accurate check on our politicians... From the president on down.

Politicians might NOT tell you how much help that you can VOTE YOURSELF FOR YOURSELF &/or for the causes that you like. That all depends on who that politician is really supporting.

Government is supposed to help folks that really need the help...

This site will help you understand the movement of money in Government.

The site will eventually provide a space for you to post your observations and opinions... If you'd like to.

To create real conversations: Like let's really look where our tax dollars go... Which socio economic groups pay the most taxes...

These arguments are already being made EVERYDAY... BUT NOW THE PUBLIC CAN SEE... THEE common base of Government posted verifiable financial facts... and

OUR GOAL is to present the numbers in a way that even an 8 year old can understand & compare them.

Follow The Numbers